Dell Streak’s Gorilla Screen - Hardest Mobile Ever


- dEsPeraTe cRaNky -
Do you dare to throw your new shiny device or hit it with a pen on screen? Of-course dell streaks Gorilla display screen offers you to do that. A human would care to throw away anything with 5 inches glass and will use it badly.

So we’ve been hearing rumors about the Dell Streak being some kind of a rugged bad boy. Word is, the “Gorilla Glass display” on this 5-inch slate is good enough to withstand pretty much anything a human would care to throw it away.
We did the only thing that a responsible tech blog can do — we put them to the test. Should you be brave enough to follow us after the break, you’ll come upon our best efforts to destroy our own Streak prototype, albeit with little success. Then again the end result might be less important than the journey there, which is not to be missed.
