* Dedicated Too All The Girls *

#Jatt On Hunt

Staff member
♥ This post is dedicated to0 All
the Girls on the UNP ♥
♥ We Respect y0u people.. =) ♥
♥ Dear girls.. You are Beautiful.. ♥
♥ Don't harm Y0urself for a Guy
who goes ♥
♥ only for Y0ur Looks.. ♥
♥ You are your Father's Doll and
Mamma's Princess.. ♥
♥ So don't let Somebody make
y0u feel Low and Down.. ♥
♥ The way you Smile... The way
You have ♥
♥ Twinkle In your Eyes... *_* ♥
♥ The way you Cheer up Y0ur
Family and Friends ♥
♥ And the way You Care.. ♥