Dark Circle Treatments


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All thanks to those dark circles under your eyes, you can end up looking older than you really are. Dark circles also tend to give a look of perennial fatigue and illness. This condition affects almost everyone at sometime or the other. Some suffer regularly while others occasionally. It troubles many since it mars the charm and beauty of their face leaving them looking like raccoons. It can also say a lot about the health and life style of an individual. Main causes of dark circles are lack of sleep, stress, heredity, fatigue, fluid retention (which causes puffiness and dark under-eye shadows), aging (which thins and crinkles the skin around the eyes) and allergies. Luckily dark circles are not necessarily permanent. No matter what the cause, proper remedies will either help you get rid of them completely or atleast reduce their intensity. Continue reading for some quick, simple tips for banishing dark circles.

Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Circles:

  • The number one thing to take care of is your sleep: get enough shut-eye and the least amount of stress. Lack of sleep makes the skin paler. So you have to reduce your stress levels, sleep longer and better, eat healthy and stay happier to keep dark circles away.
  • One of the famous home remedies for dark circles is to apply a paste made from a teaspoon of tomato juice, a pinch of turmeric powder, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch of gram flour. Apply it on the dark circles for about 10 minutes.
  • A mixture of tomato and lemon juice on the dark circles twice a day can be very soothing to the eyes.
  • Used, cold tea bags will soothe the eyes and cure dark circles.
  • Drinking tomato juice with some lemon juice, mint leaves and salt can also be very helpful in reducing dark circles.
  • Mixture of cucumber juice, lemon juice and lanolin cream applied on the dark circles for 10 to 15 minutes can be very refreshing for the eyes.
  • When out in the sun, use sunglasses for protection from harmful UV rays.
  • To lighten the dark circles under the eyes, drink a good amount of water every day. A minimum of 7 to 8 glasses is a must.
  • Pineapple juice with a paste of turmeric powder can also be applied to get rid of dark circles.
  • Massaging the dark circles with almond oil is considered the best for reducing dark circles. Massage the area with the oil at night before going to bed.
  • Creams with vitamin C and E applied on dark circles greatly reduces them.
  • Apply crushed mint leaves under the eyes and leave for 20 minutes. This can do wonders to your eyes.
  • Best yoga posture to reduce dark circles and puffiness of the eyes is Sarvangasana, performed on a regular basis. Jal Neti is the most beneficial yogic kriya and should be done 5 times a week for optimum results.
  • Keep cold cotton balls dipped in rose water on the eyes for 10 minutes everyday to keep your eyes sparkling.
  • Normally, rubbing of the eyes is brought on by allergies, but not always. Stop doing it regardless of the reason. The rubbing irritates the skin and breaks tiny capillaries beneath the skin, giving discoloration and puffiness.
  • Avoid eating lot of salt. Excess salt causes the blood vessels under the skin to appear bluer. Also causes the body to preserve water in unusual places causing puffiness under the eyes.
  • One of the most common causes of skin discoloration under the eyes is allergies. Find your allergies and treat them or remove the allergen.
  • Quit smoking because it causes vascular problems that not only makes you look twice your age but also makes blood vessels look more prominent and bluer beneath the skin. It can also give you lung cancer.
  • Eat a healthy nutritious diet. Lack of vitamin K and B12 can cause dark circles and puffiness. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables — especially all leafy green vegetables like spinach, cabbage, etc. If necessary, take vitamin supplements under a doctor’s guidance.
  • You could also consult a cosmetic surgeon and undergo surgery, if so advised after a proper diagnosis by a medical expert. Light therapy (IPL), laser resurfacing treatments, fat grafting or facial rejuvenation are some of the treatments you could undergo depending on your skin and the cause of dark circles.