Chickpeas Nutrition


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You might have heard your grandma stressing upon the fact that you should consume handful of chickpeas every day, when you were a kid. You might have also heard her telling that if you eat chickpeas, you would become stronger and sturdier. Chickpeas are round beige to light green members of the legume family cultivated primarily in parts of West Asia, India and in the Mediterranean. Chickpeas are well-known for their delicious nut like taste and are high in protein content. Also known as garbanzo, chickpeas are highly nutritious. Their nutritional quality makes chickpeas famous Indian and Middle Eastern dish. This article provides you with the nutritional benefits of consuming chickpeas.

Nutritional Benefits Of Chickpeas

  • Chickpeas are one of the healthiest food sources of dietary fiber. They provide carbohydrates for people sensitive to insulin and those suffering from diabetes. Chickpeas are low in fat content and contain both the soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps in reducing both total and LDL cholesterol.

  • Chickpeas are rich in folate and protein content. Folate is a soluble B vitamin, which is present naturally in food items and reduces the risk of colorectal cancer in people. Vegetarians can mix chickpeas with rice or whole grains to get wholesome amount of proteins in their regular diet. The folate content also helps in lowering the level of the amino acid, 'homocysteine' in the body.

  • Chickpeas are also rich in calcium and are considered by experts as equal to yogurt and milk in providing calcium to the body.

  • The insoluble fiber content in chickpeas also helps in increasing the stool bulk, which in turn prevents constipation and other disorders of the digestive tract, including the irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Chickpeas are rich source of magnesium, which assures the cardiovascular health of a person. Magnesium deficiency in a person can increase the risk of heart diseases in a person.

  • If you are planning to lose weight, switching on to chickpeas diet would be extremely helpful. Chickpeas due to their high protein and fiber content help in controlling hunger. Salads with chickpeas as the main ingredient are a good option for a person looking for weight loss diets. Such salads are tasty and help you to feel full for a longer duration.

  • Chickpeas also help in detoxifying sulfites, which act as a preservative in prepared food items. It is the presence of molybdenum, a component of the enzyme that helps in the process of sulfite detoxification. Sensitivity to sulfite can lead to symptoms like disorientation and rapid heartbeat.

  • Chickpeas increase the energy level of the body by refilling your iron stores. It is very beneficial, especially for women undergoing menstruation who are more at risk of iron deficiency. Chickpeas are a good substitute for other iron suppliers like red meat, because they are low on calories unlike other food items that supply iron.

  • Chickpeas contain phytochemicals, known as saponins, which can act like antioxidants. Regular consumption of chickpeas helps in reducing the risk of breast cancer in women and also protects them against osteoporosis. It also reduces the hot flushes in post menopausal women.