British Company Using E-Ink to Make Tanks Invisible


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E-ink isn't just for reading anymore. Scientists with BAE Systems are developing technology that would use electronic ink to camouflage tanks.
According to a report in The Telegraph, high-tech sensors would be fixed to the body of the tank that would mirror the vehicle's surroundings, making it essentially invisible. "Highly sophisticated electronic sensors attached to the tank's hull will project images of the surrounding environment back onto the outside of the vehicle enabling it to merge into the landscape and evade attack," wrote Sean Rayment, The Telegraph's defense correspondent. "The electronic camouflage will enable the vehicle to blend into the surrounding countryside in much the same way that a squid uses ink to help as a disguise."
Traditional personal camouflage is limited in its function because it lacks versatility; it can't just change colors or forms. But personal camouflage has evolved since it was first used in the 19th century.
Armed forces use different types of camo based on the region they're in. Multi-cam is the name of the seven-color earth-toned camo seen on U.S. Army uniforms in Afghanistan, and it isn't worn anywhere else in the world. Most other U.S. soldiers sport the Army Combat Uniform (ACUs), which is characterized by subtle green hues and a pixel-like pattern. ACUs were preceded by the Battle Dress Uniform (BDUs), which features a dark green pattern that most people would traditionally associate with camouflage.
The technology that BAE is developing as a part of the Future Protected Vehicle program, isn't exactly Harry Potter's cloak of invisibility. But by 2013, BAE's scientists hope to use invisible e-ink in an "experimental operational capacity," and they're aiming to have a prototype vehicle in the next four years. The company is trying to bring this technology to the British forces fighting in Southern Afghanistan, and would like to see it used in future conflicts.
The program is focused on seven defense vehicles that will be fitted with heavy duty artillery, some manned, others automated. The self-operated vehicles will have robots capable of doing dangerous tasks like disarming IEDs and bringing wounded troops to safety in the line of fire.
Additionally, scientists are working on a super-tough material, thicker than bulletproof glass, that would be fixed to the side of armored vehicles, adding an extra measure of protection.