Benefits Of White Tea


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Made with minimal processing, white tea is the mightiest of all teas, making it the ultimate health tea. Cultivated specially in the Chinese province of Fujian, the tea is made from beautiful silver buds and select buds of the tea plant, which are then steamed and dried. When brewed, its leaves give a light, delicate and slightly sweet flavor that sharpens the senses. It contains less caffeine than green or black tea as well as coffee. White tea comes in four main varieties, namely silver needle, white peony, long life eyebrow and tribute eyebrow. Other varieties of white tea are Ceylon white (grown in Sri Lanka), Darjeeling white and Assam white (Indian varieties), and African white (produced in Malawi and Kenya). Read on to explore the nutritional value of white tea and also learn about its health.

Nutrition & Health Benefits of Drinking White Tea

  • White tea contains antioxidants that protect the body from damage by free radicals that wreak havoc on it, harm DNA and accelerate aging.
  • The presence of antioxidants in white tea tones the entire immune system and protects it against a variety of invaders and a wide range of diseases.
  • It prevents the body from producing cancer-causing cells and protects it from various types of cancer, such as colon, prostate and stomach cancers.
  • The tea is known to thin blood, improve the functions of arteries, lower high blood pressure and maintain a healthy blood pressure. It promotes strong and healthy blood vessels, thus guarding it against the ravages of strokes.
  • White tea contains catechins, a group of antioxidants known to reduce cholesterol. It increases the good cholesterol and decreases the bad one, thus preventing hardening of the arteries and blockage of blood flow.
  • It protects the heart and the entire circulatory system. People who drink two or more cups of white tea on a daily basis are 50% less likely to die after a heart stroke.
  • Regular consumption of white tea increases bone density and bone strength.
  • White tea is also beneficial for people suffering from arthritis and osteoporosis.
  • It guards its drinkers against common cold and flu, and helps in easing the symptoms of HIV.
  • The tea helps in keeping the teeth strong and healthy, as it contains fluorides and other nutrients.
  • White tea scavenges radicals that damage the skin and cause premature ageing. It protects the skin, helps to reverse some of the age-related damage and promotes healthy and radiant skin.
  • The tea naturally kills the bacteria and virus that cause plaque, tooth decay and bad breath.
  • It reduces blood sugar, prevents and alleviates the symptoms of diabetes, decreases stress and increases energy.
Cooking & Storage Tips

  • Purchase white in loose-leaf form to get the best. Avoid buying it in bags, as they usually contain dust from the bottom of the tea bin.
  • Steep 2 teaspoons of white tea leaves in a cup of hot water for 3 to 5 minutes.
