Bad Beauty Sleep Habits

Only 25% of Americans get the recommended eight hours per night of sleep, which means we have some bad bedtime habits to break. After just watching the most recent People of Walmart video, trust me, for the good looks of Americans, we need to get our beauty sleep – every last hour of it. Here are some of our worst habits:

Watching TV Before Bed. Instead of watching tv or surfing the web before you go to bed, try doing something doctors do recommend- sex. Having sex wears you out aposed to watching tv which actually tricks your mind into thinking you are still awake.

Checking the Time. This is one I do way too much. You just amp up your anxiety by checking the time to see how much longer you’ve got until your alarm goes off. So try not to!

Sleeping in a Warm Room. It is better to sleep in a room below 68 degrees. Any temperature above that doe not send your brain the right signals to begin falling into a deep sleep.

Drinking Caffeine. Drinking Coffee, tea, and Diet Coke may be your answer to the mid-afternoon food coma, but you’d be shocked at how long caffeine stays in your system. Start sipping non-caffeinated beverages only eight hours before bed.

Smoking. I can’t really say this as a pretty regular smoker myself but in terms of most everything, including beauty sleep, it’s better not to smoke. Take it or leave it.

Talking on the Phone. According to Allure Magazine, “A recent study found that those who spoke on the phone for a prolonged period of time before bed took longer to reach deep sleep (the most important kind, by the way) and had shorter bouts of it.”

Leaving the Lights On. Turn off the lights and try to hide the lights from your iphone, computer and digital clocks. The light can be a serious disturance to the melatonin levels, which is the hormone that helps you sleep.

Pjs Too Tight. Sleep in silky, comfortable pjs. Your body needs to breath while you sleep.

Having a Cocktail. This is another one I feel extremely hypocritical telling you because I am the queen of white wine before bed, but that glass or two of whatever it is you choose to indulge in, could make your body more alert when the alcohol leaves your system.

Sleeping on Your Stomach or Side. It’s true, sleeping on your stomach or side isn’t good for you. And we all do it way too much. Sleep on your back to prevent a multitude of problems and allow for a deeper, richer sleep.

Going to Bed with Makeup On. As we mentioned before, instead of going to sleep with your makeup on, try using face wipes. It’s pretty obvious why it isn’t good for your beauty sleep, so don’t do it!