A Special Thank For A Special Person

Saini Sa'aB

Days passes and new events appear
But the memories will never disappear
Each year is different from the one proceed
Each has its own experiences and difficulties
Every person has a special hope a special dream
And I have a lot maybe one day I will reach
I do have a lot of goals and dreams
One of them is to spend the happiness around
My friends ,neighbors and my family
The next is to be special from others
And be the person with a nice personality
The third is to be a doctor and open my clinic
And all the people come in there for free
The forth which is the most important to me
Is to thank somebody which is very close
Whom I appreciate a lot
And respect the most
Someone who always care
Who always be there
who is absolutely fair
And you see him each and every day
Who Gives you the advice commends and lessons
And ever thing you should know and learn
And in class let the students joke ,share
And say everything, every problem they want to say
This makes his hour most enjoyable in the whole day
Imagine a teacher who always gives
But nothing he gains
Who cares for every student for every girl?
And do the best to let her be aware
Who always repeat his words again and again
until everybody listen and everything be okay
but many quizzes many tests he makes
Study well and no reason to be afraid
who works on and on
Even gives lessons in support
Just for us to improve our grades
Eventually I should thank that person
because he is a brave teacher and simply he is great