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*Amrinder Hundal*

Hundal Hunterz
enne aukhe question naa puchyaa kar,, jihda jawab TILLO nu wi pta howe :hassa

Three students checked into a hotel and paid the clerk $30 for aroom ($10 each). When the hotel manager returned, he noticed that the clerk had incorrectly charged $30 instead of $25 for the room. The manager told the clerk to return $5 to the students.The clerk, knowing that the students would not be able to divide $5 evenly, decided to keep$2 and to give them only $3.
The students were very happy because they paid only $27 for the room ($9 each). However, if they paid $27 and the clerk kept$2, that adds up to $29. What happened to the other Dollar?Three students checked into a hotel and paid the clerk $30 for aroom ($10 each). When the hotel manager returned, he noticed that the clerk had incorrectly charged $30 instead of $25 for the room. The manager told the clerk to return $5 to the students.The clerk, knowing that the students would not be able to divide $5 evenly, decided to keep$2 and to give them only $3.
The students were very happy because they paid only $27 for the room ($9 each). However, if they paid $27 and the clerk kept$2, that adds up to $29. What happened to the other Dollar?
2.)A bear walks south for one kilometer, then it walks west for one kilometer, then it walks north for one kilometer and endsup at the same point from which it started. What color was the bear?