8 Common Foods That Can Surprisingly Spoil Your Mood

Many of you might have picked up some fancy food to uplift your mood at times when you felt a little low. But, are you sure it really worked for you? Well, maybe or maybe not! And, it is not just about making wrong food choices during the time you feel depressed. Even during the normal days, you might pick up something thinking that you are making a healthy choice. But, it might not really be doing good for your emotional health.
So, lets take a look at a few food items that can turn your good mood into a bad one.​

1. Soda

Well, we all know it is not a healthy thing for your body. But, what you might not know is that it is not good for your mood either. These drinks give you an initial ‘high’ as they contain carbs that are quickly absorbed into your bloodstream. But, as it makes the sugar level in your body crash down, it also ends up plummeting your mood.Healthy Alternative: Go for citrus fruits juice with just a bit of soda water added to it.

2. Salted nuts


Packaged nuts usually contain high levels of sodium and MSG that can lead to headache, irritability, mood swings and anxiety.
Healthy Alternative: Go for the natural ones with no salt added to them. And, if you really want to eat the salted ones, then better roast them on your own while keeping a check on the amount of salt you put.

3. Potato chips

Easy to get and easy to eat, you might pick them quite often for obvious reasons. But, you will think twice after you read this piece of information! They are fried in saturated oil full of omega-6 fatty acids, which can lower your brain activity by blocking the mood enhancers and bring in the negative feeling instead.
Healthy Alternative: To calm down that caving to munch something, try almonds or any of your favourite nuts instead of a pack of potato chips.

4. Canned soups

A lot of you may get tempted to pick them from the supermarket shelf thinking that ‘soups’ are healthy. But, let us make it clear to you- they are not! By consuming canned soups, you also take a high quantity of bisphenol-A (BPA) in your body, a chemical largely used to make plastic. As most of the cans are coated with this chemical, they can give you certain mood disorders.
Healthy Alternative: First rule, of course, is to avoid canned soups and prepare a healthy soup made of fresh vegetables on your own. And, even if you bring home one of those, then do not microwave it in the same can. Rather, pour it in a glass bowl and then heat it.

5. Soy yogurt

Also known as yofu, soy yogurt is made by adding soy milk to yogurt bacteria. It might soothe your digestive system, but the omega-6 fatty acids in them will block the good omega-3 fatty acid that is a mood enhancer.
Healthy Alternative: For fulfilling your need of dairy products in your diet, go for coconut milk, cocoa butter or whole milk, as they contain very low quantity of omega-6 fatty acids.

6. Inorganic fruits and vegetables

Unfortunately, we end up eating pesticide-sprayed fruits and vegetables almost every day. They contain neurotoxins that damage the brain cells leading to depression and mood changes.
Healthy Alternative: In this case, you need to be careful while picking up the veggies from the market. There are a lot of stores these days that sell organic foods. So, better shop for your fruits and vegetables from there.

7. Chocolates

Just like aerated drinks, chocolates, candies, cookies, etc., gives you an instant high because of the sugar rush in your blood. But, as soon as it comes down, not only you feel low on energy, but you also experience a sharp dip in your mood.
Healthy Alterative: Pick your favourite fruit and eat it to satiate your sweet tooth. The fibres, pulp and fruit skin will ensure that the sugar enters in your system gradually, making sure that you do not go through a mood swing due to the same.

8. Caffeine

Excess amount of caffeine can also spoil your good mood. It triggers your pituitary gland and gives you an adrenaline rush. And, then comes the ‘caffeine crash’, which can lower down your mood. Furthermore, it can make you sleep-deprived, adding to the woes of your mental health.
Healthy Alternative: Go for herbal tea to soothe your body instead of consuming normal tea or coffee.

Well, if you have been taking any of these foods quite regularly, then it is time to change them. So, eat the foods that are healthy not only for your body, but also for your mind.