Benefits Of Asparagus


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Considered to be a delicacy, asparagus is a perennial vegetable that is the member of the lily family. It is a highly prized vegetable, which is grown in countries like United States, Mexico, Peru, France and Spain though it originally came from the Mediterranean region. The most commonly eaten variety of asparagus is the green and white and also the purple variety, which is less common. Asparagus is known for its innumerable health benefits. It is best to have freshly cooked asparagus rather than the canned one since it has fewer nutrients. Check out the nutritional benefits of asparagus.

Health Benefits of Asparagus

  • High content of vitamin K and Folate
  • High content of folic acid makes sure that if you eat asparagus during the time you are conceiving, it helps prevent serious birth defects
  • Makes sure your heart is in top condition
  • Helps to relieve menstrual cramps and also certain fertility problems
  • Cleanses and strengthens gastrointestinal tract and colon
  • Increases the success and recovery rate of chemo-therapy
  • Treats arthritis, asthma, water retention, PMS due to the fact that it is considered to be a diuretic (anti-inflammatory)
  • Eating asparagus can help you get rid off warts
  • Naturally detoxifies the body
  • Helps lower cholesterol significantly and also reduce high blood pressure
  • Helps in production of milk for lactating mothers
  • Slows down the aging process since it has anti-oxidants
  • Prevents the formation of kidney stones cleansing the body and detoxifying kidneys. Also helps to prevent urinary tract infection
  • Asparagus can be used as an a aphrodisiac to enhance sexual activity
  • Eating asparagus helps prevent the formation of scurvy and also relieves you of toothaches
  • Asparagus helps prevent the formation of cancerous tumors since it has anti-cancer agents
  • Asparagus helps to relieve diarrhea and constipation as it is considered a laxative
  • Asparagus helps to strengthen capillaries thus preventing painful varicose veins
  • It is also helpful for your eyes and prevents the formation of cataracts