photo editing is not so easy.........

The behavior of some tools changes when you add one or more modifier
keys (​
Ô, Shift, and Option for the Mac; Ctrl, Shift, and Alt for Windows).
As an example of how modifier keys can affect tool behavior, consider the
Rectangular Marquee and Elliptical Marquee tools:

Hold down the Shift key while dragging. Normally the marquee selection
tools are
freeform — you drag however you like. When you hold
down the Shift key while dragging, on the other hand, you constrain the
proportions of the selection to a square or circle (rather than a rectangle
or ellipse).

Hold down the Option/Alt key while dragging. When you hold down
the Option/Alt key while dragging a marquee selection tool, the selection
is centered on the point where you first clicked. Rather than being a
corner of a selection, that starting point is the center of the selection.

Hold down the Shift and Option/Alt keys while dragging. You can
select from the center while constraining proportions by using the Shift

and Option/Alt keys together.

tell me from this what you can understand!!!:biker