The Fight For Freedom


Staff member
Given to us by birth
What no one can take away '

It can seem lost at times because of others
During the war it will be your shutters
In the darkness it will be your light
But it is up to you to win the fight
Throughout all odds hope will there
Although there will be nothing left to spare
It is done for the future of those we hold dear
To vanquish the agony, the pain, and the fear

We will not be silenced by what is unjust
Our voice will be heard to show our disgust
Everything that has and will be done
For the cause we believe lets us have fun
Children, Adults, we all feel the same
We all must save our faithful dame
In the end it will all be worthwhile
We saved the best of our fragile

No matter how hard they tried
They could never take it away
It is given to us by birth
And it is forever here to stay!