reduce streach marks


hIs )..Prince$$..(
1. Brush your skin with a skin brusher when you shower to stimulate circulation. This will help prevent stretch marks and also reduce them if already there.

2. Massage cocoa butter into the stretch marks. You can also apply vitamin E oil on your stretch marks. Massage it into your skin after a shower. This help in reducing stretch marks.

3. Eat foods rich in vitamins A, C and E or take supplements in addition to your diet. However, pregnant women should avoid taking more than 25,000 IU of vitamin A.

4. To reduce stretch marks, maintaining your skin elasticity by moisturizing it with a stretch mark cream. Creams that are specially formulated for reducing stretch marks not only heel marks but also prevent skin from drying.

5. Keep yourself hydrated. Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day, because drinking sufficient amount of water ensures your body and tissues are properly hydrated. It also removes toxins from your body.

6. Eat foods high in essential fatty acids (such as fish), protein, citrus foods, nuts and vegetables. This will make your skin tighter, softer, and healthier everyday.

7. Aloe vera is a commonly used herbal plant to reduce stretch marks. Many commercial blends made into a stretch mark cream to reduce stretch marks include this herb. Aloe Vera contains plant collagen and is able to penetrate to the dermal layer and repair the damage that has caused the stretch marks.


8. Skin exfoliation can help in reducing stretch marks. All you need is an exfoliation cream. Apply this cream on the areas with stretch marks. This will help strip the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin so that new skin can grow without having the appearance of scars anymore.

However, these stretch marks might not be totally removed because only the surface of the problem has been solved. If you want a treatment that can reach the root of the trouble then stretch mark creams and oils can help you with this.
