Lutein Side Effects


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It’s yellow and it cures! The word lutein is derived from the Latin word ‘luteus’ which would literally translate to its colour. Lutein is a ‘xanthophylls’, thus confirming that is a yellow pigment. As a carotenoid vitamin, lutein shares similar properties with beta-carotene and vitamin A. Lutein can be found in green leafy vegetables like lettuce, egg yolks, broccoli, kiwifruit and corn. It is very important to ensure that your diet contains enough lutein to bestow your body with sufficient amount of antioxidants. Many link the intake of lutein with the eyes as it is known to prevent quite a number of eye diseases. However, there’s a downside to all things great and mighty. Advancement in medical sciences have disseminated the disturbing fact that overconsumption of ocuvite lutein possesses certain side effects. Available in the form of pills, these antioxidant multivitamins with minerals cannot be sold without proper medical consultation. Of course consuming lutein in its natural form is more advisable. Yet, many resort to a daily intake of the artificially manufactured one, the side effects of which are often horrendous. Here are a few of the salient side effects of lutein.

Side Effects Of Lutein

  • When somebody habitually pops in the artificial lutein pill, the danger lies in the actuality that our body is most likely to store all the artificial lutein. Since the human body does not manufacture or process its own lutein, the artificial form of lutein masquerades as the pure form and deposits itself onto the human skin and within the eyes. In comparison to this disastrous series of bodily events, a natural intake would have ensured that the body absorbs the lutein in a controlled manner as opposed to unnecessarily piling up and creating layers on the human skin.
  • Intake of lutein salvages an ageing human being prone to ‘Age-related Macular Degeneration’ (AMD) or retinal disorders. However, daily dosages of lutein come with negative consequences which haven’t yet been thoroughly researched. Side effects of lutein may soon be visible in the weight of a patient, the status of his or her eyesight and so on. Thus, it is very important to consume lutein under the supervision of an ophthalmologist or a physician.
  • The build up of lutein in the human body inevitably ignites a series of complaints. Such a patient will experience breathing problems followed by an irritating cough and then a severe cold. Negative side-effects of lutein are often characterized by increased chest pain and the discomfort passes on to the eyes and skin. If the patient’s condition doesn’t improve quickly, a dizzy sensation will soon ensue. On various occasions, the intensity of one’s situation might reach the tipping point where itching and swollen facial skin render the patient’s spell of illness a living hell.
  • Some other consumers of lutein complained of blurred vision accompanied by a considerable itch in the eye. Many users who have possibly taken an over dose of lutein experience frightful symptoms such as heartburn and minor digestive problems.
  • Carotenosis stands out as one of the most significant albeit unnoticed side-effect of lutein intake. It is basically a condition where serum carotenoids, dramatically rise within the skin. This simultaneously causes gradual discoloration of the skin and gives it a yellowish hue. There is no specific medication to treat this brief side-effect, but on the flip side, it heals by itself within a relatively short span of time