A good Night’s Sleep


These are some useful tips for a more restful sleep to recharge your body and mind!
1. There is a built in clock placed in our brain which is called “circadian clock” and the body is programmed in such way that it knows its sleep time and wake time.Regularly waking up on same time every morning makes this circadian clock strong.Discipline yourself even on the weekends and holidays and maintain a regular wake up time.
2. Your last meal of the day should be 2-3 hours before your regular bed time. Try to avoid heavy and spicy meals at dinner time. Restrict you intake of fluids prior to your bed time to prevent nighttime awakenings to go to the bathroom. All kind of caffeine products and nicotine should be avoided before bed time. Caffeine includes tea, cola drinks, chocolates etc and nicotine is present in tobacco and cigarettes. Contrary to common myths, taking alcohol also causes poor and disturbed sleep.
3. Exercising regularly, reading a book, taking a soothing hot shower, having a cup of warm milk or herbal tea just before bed time, all are associated with getting a more restful sleep. On the other hand thinking about family problems, playing excited games, exposure to bright lights, just before bed time, send wrong signal to neurons make sleeping difficult. However if you are unable to cope with anxiety and stress, it may be helpful to learn to relax yourself from a professional trainer.
4. Your room should be dark and comfortable; there should not be any distractions from bright lights and noises. Eye shades, ear plugs, humidifiers may be a good investment in making your sleeping environment more comfortable.
5. Always sleep on a comfortable yet supportive material. If your mattress or pillows are causing you turning whole night, change them, average life of a good quality mattress is about 9 to 10 years. Lit aromatic candles hours before your bed time and let your spirit soak in that fragrance whole night, lavender is considered good for calming down and relaxing down the senses. Make sure you lit off the candles before you sleep.