10 Frugal fun ideas


You can live on a budget and still have fun. Use these tips to save Rs10,000 or more annually.
1. Get rid of the fluff: Trimming your satellite or premium cable package can make a difference.
2. Rent movies: Eliminate one trip to the theatre per month (Rs400 for two, including popcorn-soda treats) and you’ll save Rs4,800 a year.
3. Go solo to save: One is cheaper than two. Eat out solo, watch a movie on your own, shop for your clothes alone.
4. Join a good library: Besides books, you can borrow magazines and movies. If you stop buying two monthly magazines with a cover price of Rs50, that’s a saving of Rs1,200 over a year. Put that towards the cost of a library membership.
5. Bring your lunch: It’s cheaper and healthier!
6. Pack your snacks: Beverages, water and snacks at the office quickly add up.
7. Eat out less: Skip one dinner at a restaurant each month, and you save an estimated Rs1,000 for two. Don’t drink alcohol when you do dine out and you’ll save even more—say, Rs150 per person each weekend. For two people adopting both measures, you save close to Rs23,000 a year.
8. Sip on your savings: Make your own coffee and add your own flavoured syrup, instead of buying a cappuccino (Rs100, at least). 9. Play the princely pauper: Children can make do with a lot less than we believe, and often (like the toddler in the ad) prefer to exercise their imaginations with the big packing box than the giant teddy it held.
10. Feed your iPod for free: Did you know iTunes actually provides you some free content, daily?
Add a widget to your iGoogle page. Click on “Add stuff”, on the top right, which lets you put many widgets on your Google home page. In the Gadgets tab, use the “Search for gadgets” box to locate “free iTunes”.