Save our World



How hard would it be for you to cut your energy consumption in half?
- Are there lights on that are not necessary?
- Is there a radio or television on in an empty room?
- Is an unoccupied room being heated or cooled?
- Could you lower or raise the thermostat a few degrees, and still be comfortable by changing how you are dressed?
- Did you take any car trips this week that could have been consolidated?

These are just a few of the many things each of us can do to save energy now.
If you stop and plan your day more carefully, change the types of light bulbs you use, adjust your thermostat, plan your car trips better, etc., you can likely cut your energy use in half with little or no adverse effects on your lifestyle.
If you are able to significantly cut your energy use, educate two people how they can do the same tomorrow, and ask each of them to educate two more people, how long do you think it would take until the entire 6.4 billion people of the world begin reducing their energy use?
Ready for the answer? Less than 32 days! Really. (If you don't believe it, just ask a friend who is good at math to do the computation!)

Stop relying on governments, nonprofit organizations and corporations to help with the environment. If each of us takes our own individual responsibility, we can make a huge change without having to spend a dime or pass any legislation. In fact, all of the money saved will invigorate other parts of the economy. The power to change the world is in your hands. Act today, not tomorrow.
