Blobfish: Ugliest Fish And Endangered!



With the illegal activities that are being done in the world, like fishing illegally in protected waters. At first glance at this type of fish, you would never disagree to say that it looks pretty miserable and lonely. It looks exactly like a gelatinous blob but with a frown plastered to its face. This is the not-so-famous and inedible but endangered ‘blobfish’.
One would never think that such a miserable looking creature would live in the deepest part of our oceans, but it does. It lives approximately in 800-meter deep or 2600 feet waters, which is exactly the same place where edible fish and crustaceans such as crabs and lobsters dwell. These jelly-like fishes grow to about 12 inches in length and eat whatever organic matter floats in front of them. They’re not picky eaters, I assure you.
We have never seen the likes of this fish mostly because it lives in the deepest and darkest parts of the ocean. But why have they become so close to extinction? This is because of the overfishing strategies of the deep sea trawlers who scrape the bottom of Australia’s and New Zealand’s waters.
These deep sea trawlers only want to catch edible marine life like crabs and lobsters, but since the blobfish lives in the same zone they do, the blobfish gets caught along with them. The troubling fact is that the blubbery fish that gets surfaced are in huge numbers, so if these overfishing tactics continue, we may be looking at another extinct species of fish.
Little is really known of this fish, but experts say that it looks unhappy because it is a very vulnerable species and getting dragged up to the surface by nets only adds to its misery. It is restricted to deep waters, but since deep sea trawlers have invaded its safe zone, it is prone to extinction.
Because of the blobfish’s not-so-attractive appearance, there are not that many people who would lobby for the conservation of its safe zone. But we all must take into consideration that without these miserable looking gelatinous masses, the earth would seem to be a dull place. After all, how many of you have seen a frowning fish and actually be amused by the sight?