Beautiful Lavender Fields..


The lavender plant is grown for extraction of lavender oil from the flowers.

Some of the larger cultivated lavender fields are found in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, including on the slopes of the Lure mountains, near St. Etienne-les-Orgues, and on the Sault plateau in the eastern Vaucluse

Lavender fields begin blooming in June, depending on the area and the seasonal weather.

Lavender is harvested from July to September, when the hot summer sun brings the essence up into the flower. The harvesting is done with more and more automation, but the older fields with narrow rows are still picked by hand. The lavender is dried for 2 to 3 days before being transported to the distillery.

Flowers and leaf-stalks can be dried for perfuming bed-linen and to keep moths away from your clothes. Lavender essence is used commercially in the perfume, soap and pharmaceutical industries.

Dried lavender is packaged in small cloth sacks and sold worldwide. Dried lavender is also used for cooking and for herbal cures.
