romantic relationship new year resolution

It’s a new year and what better time than now to make some romantic resolutions? Whether you’re single or in a relationship, read on for helpful hints to improve your love life.

If you’re in a relationship, resolve to…

Communicate better
Arguing with your partner from time to time is only natural. Look at the way the two of you argue so that things are resolved to both you and your partner’s satisfaction. Think carefully about what you are trying to say and how to phrase it. Try not to blame your partner or use accusatory language. By talking things out in a calm manner, you’ll be able to see each other’s point of view in order to come up with a solution.

Keep the romance alive
Our everyday lives are filled with work demands, household chores and endless errands to run. In spite of all this, it’s important to
nurture your relationship with your sweetie by making time for each other. One evening after work, why don’t the two of you meet for a romantic dinner at your favourite restaurant? Make any topics related to work, paying bills or running errands off limits. Let the conversation focus on the fun memories the two of you have shared together and exciting plans you’ll make for the future.

Say “I love you”
When was the last time you said “I love you” to your guy? If it was today, kudos to you! If it’s been so long that you can’t even remember, then it’s time to change that. This year, subscribe to the rule of saying these three little words to your partner at least once a day. That makes for 365 “I love you”s in one year—and there’s always room for more.

Forgive and forget
If you’re holding grudges against your partner, the New Year couldn’t be a better time to let them go. There may have been things your guy has done that have annoyed or hurt you. You’ve probably been the cause of some of his anger or pain, too. Remind yourself that we’re all human and prone to mistakes. If he has sincerely apologized and made it up to you, then leave those hurts where they belong—in the past.

If you’re single, resolve to…

Try something different
Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Or maybe you just don’t have enough places to look. Expand your circle of potential love interests by trying a new dating technique. Attend a speed dating event,
create a profile at an online dating site such as Lavalife or, or throw a singles party. Trying something different can lead to new possibilities—and a dating calendar that’s all filled up.

Loosen up
Start the New Year off right by taking a risk and doing something you’ve never done before. Take your girlfriend up on her offer to set you up with her cute co-worker or go talk to the hot guy who keeps glancing your way from across the bar. Stop putting pressure on yourself to find Mr. Right. Instead, just enjoy the moment and be open to meeting new people at whatever opportunities present themselves to you.

Put yourself out there
Go on as many first dates as possible. There’s no harm in going for dinner or drinks with someone to get to know them a little better. After spending time together, you may be surprised to find you’re interested in a second date. On the other hand, if there’s no chemistry, at least you’ll be sure of it and will have given the guy a chance.

Be realistic
Does your ideal guy have to be a minimum of 5’ 11” tall, a corporate lawyer and dress exclusively at Ralph Lauren? If your list of must-have qualities in a potential mate are very precise, it might be a good idea to do a re-evaluation. Although it’s okay to require that your guy have a stable job and dress well, try not to be too specific. You’ll be surprised by the number of interesting, eligible men available if you stopped setting the bar at an unattainable level.

Be true to yourself
So maybe your problem is not with getting a date but that you keep dating the wrong kind of guys. While we encourage accepting the first date, you may want to give more thought about going on second, third and fourth dates with someone you’re just not clicking with. Take the time to re-examine past relationships and really think about what it is that didn’t work in each of them. Was there a common personality trait in most or all of your past partners that you just didn’t like? Once you figure out what you value most in a romantic partner, you’ll be able to say “no” to continuing to date a guy you know is wrong for you and “yes” to the one who has the personality traits you’re looking for.
