Happy Rose Day


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Rose Day falls on 7 February and this is the first day of the Valentine week which is celebrated with lot of zeal and enthusiasm across the globe. Roses come in a wide variety with different colors and each color has its own unique meaning. It is very important for a lover to understand the right meaning and gift the roses accordingly. Usually roses helps a lover in expressing their inner feeling towards a person and roses also symbolizes passion, love and affection towards each other.
Several lovers choose red color rose and celebrate the Rose Day. Go ahead, choose the best rose for your dear ones and do not forget to make this day memorable. Here we have a long list of different roses which you can give away to your loved ones:


Red rose symbolizes the expression of love and conveys inner deep emotions of the lover towards their loved ones. According to people 12 red roses conveys “I Love you” emotions.


Pink roses are really cute and they come in lot of variations. Pink roses symbolises emotions such as admiration, grace, joy and gratitude.


Yellow roses indicate one of the most beautiful bond – friendship and freedom. The color itself evokes sunny feelings which is full of warmth


White roses symbolize truth, purity and innocence whereas the white color symbolizes purity and innocence. It is said that the white flowers begin new phase of life and in catholic weddings also the bride walks down the aisle along with the bunch of white roses.


Lavender color symbolizes enchantment and also expresses one of the sweetest gesture of love – love at first sight. Lavender rose convey a sense of regal majesty and used to express fascination.


Orange roses symbolizes enthusiasm, passion, desire. Orange rose reminds us of a fiery element which blossoms and signifies energy. This color of roses is used to express desire, passion and fervor.


This color of roses is very difficult to get but they symbolizes hate, death, sadness and all such negative vibes. Giving black roses to your loved ones is really not a good sign.


The Green color showcases harmony, growth, fertility, peace and tranquility. Green roses symbolize best wishes to start a new phase of life.