Differences b/w Men and Women !


Here are some differences b/w men and women.

Men use I or me when they should use we or us.
Women use we or us when they should use I or me.

When men want something they ask for it.
When women want something they make a point distantly related to the subject and wait for a response.

When four men are together, they talk of sports.
When four women are together, they talk of men.

Ask a woman in the street how to get somewhere and she will direct via shops.
Ask a man and it will be via pubs.

For men, 2am is time for sleep.
For women, 2am is time for a discussion about where our relationship is going.

Men forget everything.
Women remember everything.

Men look at going down the gym as a physical activity.
To women it is a social event. :p

Men speak in sentences.
Women speak in paragraphs. :p

A woman would look at a sexy man and not be noticed.
Men just stare. :p

Women do not get turned on at the thought of two men together.
Men...l0ll...will be men. :p