Laughter Snacks 28


The He4rt H4ck3r
Judge: "Well, we have thirty witnesses who saw you steal the automobile?"
Prisoner: "May be but i can give you sixty witnesses who did not see me steal it?":blah


Young lady: "I want a small revolver for my husband."
Shopkeeper: "Yes, madam. Did your husband give any indication of the make he prefers?"

Young lady: "He, didn't. He doesn't know that I'm going to shoot him.":sp


Teacher: "Have you ever laughed until you cried?"

Student: "Yes, just this every morning I did."

Teacher: "How?"

Student: "Father stepped on a tack. I laughed, he saw me, and then I cried.":sad


Tired traveler, to driver of the only village cab: "How much to take me to the station?"
"10$ sir"

And how much for the bag?

Nothing for the bag, sir.

Good, then take the bag, I'll walk.:virk