Stinging Tears

pink puma

I wrote this poem a couple years back one night. Dont worry this isnt something i am going through! Just a poem :D Enjoy

Stinging Tears
Written By: Pink Puma

Every night, my eyes flood with stinging tears.
I wonder, is there no end to this misery, this anguish, this fear
How many more drops will roll down my cheeks, why is there nobody to kiss them away.
In this deep darkness of my life, you walked in and lit a candle, my only promising ray.

But that candle was too far for me to reach, or hold or even see.
Yet it burns faithfully through the night, reminding me that somebody cares, and somebody sees.
I live in silence, waiting for you to come and take me, and revitalize me with your cool rain.
Vines of restriction bind me tightly, imprisoning me from light, like cold metal chains.

But you bring about a warmth- that I cannot touch nor see but only feel
How I dream of being in your arms, where my heart can finally start to heal.
And all I hear is the beating of your heart next to mine, rhythmically to the sound of time
All I see is light, the purest of light, that envelopes me in your aura of beauty
And nothing else matters, you numb my heart from feeling everything but love.

All I feel is your innocence, your beautiful face against mine, your hand in mine and mine in yours.
I feel myself drowning in your eyes; your eyes adrift into mine, and I am finally yours.
We exchange an eternal love without even speaking a word; my soul caressed by the sun’s softest beam.

But this rigid body of mines, forces me to awaken from a beautiful dream,
I lay silently, only to find myself surrounded by darkness yet again.
And in a small corner of my darkness, a candle burns.
My lover's light, reminding me that he is there, forever and always.

Every morning my eyes flood with stinging tears.