The Lighthouse


Staff member
You stand so tall and mighty...
The thunderous waves pounding you time and
time again. Your walls so high
and powerful, nothing breaks
your well build framework.
You give light to those who seek it,
hope where there was none.

No one thinks about the erosion process
taking place, about your beautiful
strength being disrobed,
your window of light dimming to
a flicker, and hope all but gone.

I stand at your window looking out,
to a valley of my making. I too
have build walls so strong and true,
protection from my world, pounding
hurts and memories.

I once was strong and now I am weak.
I feel disrobed with shame.
My light a breath away from out,
hope all but gone.

I walk my warm sandy beaches, seeking and
hoping for your lovely walls to be restored.
You window of light bright once again,
giving hope to those who seek it.

I wish to feel the wild cool breeze caressing
my freckled skin. Hear the silent cry of
laughter as the waves roll-in, and hear
the loud applause as it crashes against your
walls of strength.

Oh...that my mind would once again be filled
with strength and power. That my eyes
would once again be filled with light
and hope, and that I would once
again be the giver of love,
The Lighthouse of Strength.