Tennessee Mountains


Staff member
Heartache and sadness always needs a respite
An awaking of the soul, God's guiding light
A trip to the Tennessee Mountains is my remedy
A drive for a day, a chance to set my soul free

The drive is relaxing and the mountains so magnificent
I follow the winding highway, it beckons me to the ascent
I stop at the overlooks they provide such a panoramic view
The vision of beauty is astounding my heart feels anew

The rainbow of color God created and allowed us to share
Is in the Tennessee Mountains and can be seen everywhere
Splashes of green blend with wild flowers in full bloom
Clouds on the blue horizon hint of a shower very soon

As I drive higher I can feel the chill in the mountain air
The gentle mist and swirling fog produce a mystical pair
My senses are filled with the fragrance of evergreen and rain
A sunbeam sneaks through the gray, saying glad you came

On my decent the air warms and the fog begins to disappear
Songbirds sing in the glistening trees for everyone to hear
The sky clears and sunlight bathes the valleys below
Off in a meadow a doe and fawn look up to say hello

The mountains are behind me now as I wipe away a tear
I had a slice of heaven today and God vanquished my fear
I know they will beckon me again when I am tired and sad
But today, God replenished the soul he always knew I had