How i feel...

Why you gonna do this?
This aint the time... why did you do this?
This aint right...why you ignoring me?
Why can’t you feel the pain ur causing
Is it so hard to understand you’r my everything
I just don’t say that for the **** of it...
I really don’t have anything but you...
Your my motivation the reason im alive...
So why i ask...why are you gonna kill?
Kill those feelings....kill the soul that adores you...
This not just a poem but a message...from the heart
Something i fear... a reason I can’t talk
You were my world and you still are ...
But now its like you wanna run away... you make me feel as if i done some big mistake..
My words don’t seem to be enuf... cuz when i talk baby all you do is walk...
Sooo please tell me how can i fix this.. i want the old you back... what can i do to make this pass..
My life with you seems worth it...
Buh now ur making me feel like you jus don’t want this no more... i just don’t know where to go...
My heart hurts ... buh there aint no 1 to heal it...
The tears dropp with every little piece falling off...
You are my life and without you nothing feels the same... without you baby, i feel like a forest with no rain.
Honestly i want you to be happy ... if you want to end this go ahead... just remember i would have loved you to the end.