
Saini Sa'aB


The world is sad and looking for delight
And fortune is welfare and joy
And the words are gloomy
We belong to the family of words
“book” is my father
“sea” is my mother
“trees” are my brothers
And “stars” my sisters
Those infinite exclamatory and question marks are my cousins
And “you” are my friends
The world is a complex dictionary
Some of us are Nouns, Verbs, etc
Regular or irregular
And all of us are meaningful and important
And none of us can be erased form that lexicon
If so, the being glossary will be incomplete
We are words
And live in the world of words
A few of us are high frequent and some are less
Some of us are summarized in a short single line
And some are interpreted by more than one world
Some of us are proverbs, idioms, slangs
And even taboos
We are words
And stand for our thoughts
We are flags of our thoughts kingdom
And we are symbolic movable signs of our thoughts
All of us are searching for good fortunes
And prosperity happens at minds
And our luck is product of our thoughts
And thoughts are spirit of words
And words are spirit of world
And the world is sad
And the words are gloomy
Each of us is a word
Each of us is a world
And the word is searching for shiny words
Oh, LOVE come and determine my candle of thought
And refresh my glossary words.