

Prime VIP
Why is this so hard for me?

I blind myself 'cause
I don't want to see.
I lie to myself 'cause
I don't want to know.
I stop myself 'cause
There’s no place to go -
No place that really
Seems safe for me,
No place that I really
Want to be.

I'm lost in the darkness
Of the things I believe:
Shadowed truths
I've tried to conceive.
My road's overgrown
With my tangles of lies,
I can't help but stumble
Over metaphorical vines
And fall, unnoticed
Into the darkened sidelines.

I'm being held back
By my own desperate hands,
Haunted by nightmares
Of future wastelands -
Gnawed by the fear
That once I learn how to fly
I'll forget I have wings
And plummet out from the sky,
Falling for years 'cause
I was so incredibly high.

I find I make the wishes
Of a dying man,
Things that won’t be
And never can.
Yet I dream the dreams
Of one who can’t dream,
Requests for a future
That will of course be,
One who sees nothing more
Then what they literally see.
Sometimes, I wish:
I wish I wasn't me.
