Water Weight Gain


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You are just back home from what was a really challenging workout. It all began with an hour of football, half an hour of cycling and half an hour of lifting weights at the gym. Once back home, you are very proud of what you have achieved and decide to sleep on it. However, in the morning you notice that in spite of the previous day’s strenuous workout, you look a bit bloated. To reassure yourself, you rush to the weighing scale to check your weight and to your dismay, you notice an increase of a few pounds. You’re completely broken now. You just don’t see how this could have happened to you. Well, it’s not rocket science! You have simply become one of the many victims of a reality called ‘water weight gain’. Although water contains no fat, no calories, no cholesterol, no carbohydrates, and no proteins, it’s still possible for a person to put on weight due to water and the retention of the same. Read on to know more on water weight gain and its causes.

Water Weight Gain Causes

  • Believe it or not, water weight gain is caused not by drinking too much of water but by the lack of water in your system. This fact may sound extremely unbelievable, but as hard as it is to believe, it is true. Here’s how the dots are connected – your body needs water to perform its functions. However sometimes, mostly due to the lack of water, your body begins to lag behind and starts to retain water. It does this to preserve water because it believes that there is a scarcity of the same. This retention or storage of water is what makes you look like you’ve put on weight. Drinking enough water will help battle this cause.
  • Apart from the lack of sufficient water in your body, water weight can be caused by the presence of too much sodium in your diet. According to doctors and health experts, an adult male or female should take in only around 1,500 to 2,400 mg of sodium per day. Anything in excess of this recommended dosage can instigate the body to store salts and can even cause dehydration. Dehydration ultimately results in water weight. The best way to cut off excess sodium from your diet is to steer clear of processed foods and opt for fresh and natural foods.
  • As far as water weight goes, your diet too will play a significant role in keeping the same at bay. Potassium and carbohydrates will have a palpable effect on the amount of fluids your body stores. A high intake of carbs can increase water retention, while a low intake of potassium-rich foods will increase water retention. The trick lies in balancing out your intake of carbs and potassium. Foods rich in carbohydrates include whole wheat bread, pasta, cereals and rice. Eating these foods in moderation will prevent your body from retaining water.
  • A more serious cause for water weight can be associated with the failure of the heart or the kidneys. If you think that your body is retaining a lot of water and do not think it’s because of dehydration, it’s always best to rush to a doctor. This is only because a serious case of water retention can only be associated with the failure of the heart or the kidneys. So, if at all you do notice any abnormal increase in the size of your abdomen or waist, it is best to visit a doctor and get treatment before your health predicament goes out of control.