Vitamins to Increase Energy


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Do vitamins give energy is a question that confuses millions of people. Well, vitamins do not directly serve as a source of energy, but they aid the enzymes that generate energy from the energy producing nutrients like protein, carbohydrates and fats. Thus, they play a major role in helping out in the chemical reaction that leads to fruitful generation of energy, which enables you to perform your daily routine activities effectively. Read further to explore information about vitamins to increase energy…

Adequate vitamin intake promotes your health fitness, by strengthening your bones and teeth. It makes your immune system strong, thereby enabling you to overcome various kinds of infections. Talking about as to what vitamins provide energy, vitamin B3 works in combination with coenzyme Q10 and contributes a great deal in boosting your energy levels.

Vitamin B6 plays a vital role in human metabolism. Vitamin B12 acts as an active participant in the biochemical reactions that lead to the production of energy. Infact, it is for this reason that vitamin B12 is sometimes also referred as energy vitamin. Vitamin C is requisite for the synthesis of a small molecule named carnitine that helps in transporting fat to the cellular organelles called mitochondria, for its conversion into energy. Thus, it is of prime importance to consume vitamins so as to enhance your energy levels.