Types Of Poisonous Mushrooms


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Although mushrooms are considered to be delicacies in various parts of the world, not all varieties are edible. Consuming poisonous mushrooms can cause adverse effects on the body, ranging from gastrointestinal irritation to kidney failure. Wild mushrooms consumption leads to mushroom poisoning, commonly known as mycetism, which has become a common concern today. The reason behind this is that certain mushrooms contain toxic substances that are often misidentified as edible mushrooms. There are over thousand types of mushroom identified in the world, out of which around 32 varieties are considered to be fatal and about 53 varieties to be relatively less toxic. Read through the following lines to find different kinds of poisonous mushrooms.

Different Kinds Of Toxic Mushrooms

Amanitas (Amanita spp.)
Several species of Amanitas contain amanitin, one of the deadliest poisons found in nature. A small cap of Destroying Angel (Amanita virosa) is sufficient to kill a man. An amanita initially looks like an egg-shaped button resembling a small puffball. The button breaks open when the mushroom grows. A fully developed amanita is a gilled mushroom with parasol-shaped caps, white, yellow, red or brown in color. These are found on the ground in woodlands during summer and fall season.

False Morels (Helvella and Gyromitra spp.)
It is difficult to categorize false morels into edible or poisonous mushrooms as they fit both the categories clearly. While they are considered as a favorite wild mushroom by people for years, they are also known to cause serious illnesses and deaths. Theses mushrooms contain a toxic chemical called monomethyl hydrazine (MMH), which causes diarrhea, vomiting, severe headaches and even death in some cases. False morels are brainlike or saddle-shaped with wrinkled and irregular caps. The colors can be black, grey, white, brown or reddish. They grow in woodlands on the ground.

Little Brown Mushrooms (LBMs)
LBMs include all small to medium-sized, hard-to-identify brownish mushrooms with spores in all colors. Though most LBMs available are harmless, some are considered mildly poisonous and a few others deadly. Mushrooms falling under the genus Galerina are the most dangerous of all LBMs. They are extremely toxic and can cause deaths. LBMs are found in clusters on wood, lawns, pastures or forests, having brownish spores.

Jack-O'-Lantern (Omphalotus Olearius)
The name says it all. This bright orange-colored mushroom glows in the dark. The fresh specimens are known to give a faint greenish glow at night or in a darkened room. Commonly found in summer and fall, these mushrooms though look, smell and taste good, can cause mild poisonings. Upon consumption, one is likely to complain of a mild to severe stomach upset. However, these mushrooms are not life-threatening to healthy adults. Jack-O'-Lantern commonly grows at the base of trees, on stumps or on buried wood, in large clusters.

Green-spored Lepiota (Chlorophyllum Molybdites)
Found in fairy rings on suburban lawns, these large mushrooms can cause violent gastrointestinal upset. They are parasol-shaped with a cream or tan scaly cap and large rings on the stem. Clear from its name, the green-spored lepiota is the only mushroom with a greenish spore print. These mushrooms can be found on the grounds of lawns, pastures and meadows in summer and fall.