Treating Minor Burns At Home


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Minor burns are a common injury experienced by most of us at some point or the other. Most commonly, these burns occur from the stove, oven or curling iron, to name a few. There are basically three levels or degrees of burns, namely, first degree, second degree and third degree. First degree burns, also known as minor burns, affect only the upper layer of the skin called the epidermis. One can experience mild to sharp pain, inflammation and swelling. The second degree burns damage the outer as well as several deeper layers of the skin. The symptoms for this degree of burn are more uncomfortable and include intense pain, swelling, redness and blistering. The final type, called the third degree burns, cause severe damage to all layers of the skin, reaching the underlying tissue and destroying the nerves in the affected area. While second degree and third degree burns require immediate medical assistance, first degree burns can effectively be treated at home. Read the lines below for treating minor burns at home.

How To Treat Minor Burns At Home

  • Firstly, remove any clothing or jewelry that is in contact with the burnt skin.
  • Place the burnt area under running water or tepid water and wash it thoroughly, till the pain has reduced substantially, for about 15 to 20 minutes. Doing so will reduce the tingling sensation.
  • In case it is not possible to wash the burnt area, applying a cold compress over the affected area, for about 30 minutes, would be the next best option to try.
  • After the skin has cooled down considerably, apply a good quality moisturizing lotion to soothe the skin and prevent dryness.
  • Cover the wound with clothing or a bandage.
  • If the burn results in formation of tender blisters filled with liquid, force out the liquid for speedy recovery. Simply sterilize a needle with 70% alcohol and punch a tiny hole in the blister to remove the liquid.
  • After doing so, wash the blistered area with lots of water.
  • Apply an antibiotic cream or lotion on the operated area of the skin.
  • Keep the wound covered with cream or bandage and avoid exposing it to ultraviolet light or sun. If you cannot avoid preventing the wound from sun exposure, applying a sunscreen lotion would be a good choice.
  • In case of sunburns on face, one of the most effective ways of treating them is to apply a 1-2% hydrocortisone cream or an anesthetic agent.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before touching or treating burns. If possible, wear gloves.
  • Avoid rubbing an ice cube on the burnt area as this can end up in frostbite, thus worsening the condition.
  • Do not apply butter or oil on the skin as this can aggravate burning sensation and result in greater damage (infection in some cases).
  • Protect the burnt area from dust and dirt to avoid infection.
  • In case the burn has occurred on foot, it is advised to walk on it to heal the wound faster and avoid swelling and infection.