Thrush In Adults


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Adult thrush is just another one of those intrusive and cringe-worthy maladies that many have to endure with. Widely recognized as a yeast infection, adult thrush is a fungal infection characterized by the attack of varied candida species, majority of which are ‘candida albicans’. Adult thrush can spread to different parts of the body and can be very vexing. Some people experience severe pain on their genitals, while many others deal with throat infection and skin abrasions. It initially appears to be a superficial infection, but if left unattended it can potentially grow to be life-threatening! Candida species target the mucous membrane of the mouth leading to a dreadful infection of yeast fungus. Commonly referred to as oral thrush, this yeast infection manifests in the form of thick white or cream-coloured deposits on the tongue or inner cheeks. These lesions tend to bleed slightly if or when scraped and appear inflamed. Come to terms with the causes, symptoms and treatment methods of adult thrush as you scroll down.


  • All those immune-compromised individuals battling with AIDS or Cancer have a high inclination to contracting these fungal infections. Even metabolic illnesses like diabetes and nutrient deficiencies render individuals susceptible to candida’s infection.
  • Studies reveal that candida albicans are present in the vaginas of about 20 percent of the female population. Hormonal disturbances trigger a superfluous growth of candidas.
  • Excessive usage of external irritants like soaps may lead to an overgrowth of the yeast and hence, the symptoms will start to pop up.
  • Although antiobiotics fight and kill unwanted bacteria, they also kill the beneficial bacteria, thus creating an ideal environment for candida to grow and multiply beyond control!
  • When dentures don’t fit too well or are unclean, subsequent cracks in the mucous membrane of the mouth open the gates for an ambush of candida. However, the side-effects aren’t fatal.
  • Using too much of antibacterial mouthwash may destroy the bacteria that so effectively keeps candida at bay. This inevitably increases the risk of developing oral thrush.
  • Chemotherapies and radiotherapies tend to cause dry mouth, which in turn heightens one’s chances of developing oral thrush.

  • The presence of white creamy deposits on the wet surfaces of the mouth is a clear indication of oral thrush. The tongue gets swollen and appears red. These spots are often accompanied by great discomfort (especially while swallowing) and burning sensations.
  • The mouth is prone to bleeding if these deposits are even slightly scraped.
  • These white spots may combine with one another and form larger spots known as plaque. Plaque typically takes on the greyish or yellowish hue.
  • Moist and pale pink spots appear on the lips of those suffering from this ailment, known as ‘angular cheilitis’, is another indication of a candida infection which is characterized by excruciating pain.
  • Men can develop red patchy sores near the head of the penis, severe itching, and a burning sensation, particularly upon urination. Women with oral thrush discharge a curd-like substance from the vagina.
  • Severe itching is common.

  • Visit any general practitioner or primary care physician who would probably scrape some tissue from the inside of the mouth for further inspection. He or she will identify the underlying cause behind the symptoms and prescribe appropriate medication. Doctors will usually prescribe anti-thrush drugs, such as nystatin, amphotericin or miconazole in the form of drops, gel or lozenges.
  • Thrush is usually treated with anti-fungal drugs such as antimycotics. However, it is more important to replenish and stimulate the natural growth of beneficial bacteria.
  • Adjust your dentures and clean your teeth regularly. Use a very soft toothbrush and rinse the mouth with a diluted solution of 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide.
  • Topical oral suspension to be washed around the mouth and then swallowed may work well.