Ten Helpful Beauty Hints: Timeless Wisdom Collection

Women, as a rule, age more quickly than men. The careful use of cosmetics can help you to look young and attractive but you should also follow these few common sense rules:
Above all, remember that health is the basis of real beauty. Sparkling eyes, glowing skin, vitality and pep will make plain features look attractive.
Get out of doors as much and as often as you can. Avoid direct sunlight if it appears to harm your skin, but fresh air, and plenty of it, is a great beautifier.
Don’t eat too much, don’t eat too quickly and don’t over indulge in meat, fish, eggs, sweets or pastry. Above all, don’t try foolish diets.
Get plenty of sleep in a well ventilated room. Do not have your bedroom crowded with draperies.
Bathe every other day at least but do not stay too long in a warm bath. It may feel good while you are in it but you will feel better and look better afterward if the bath is not too warm.
When you walk, hold your shoulders erect. When you sit, do not hold one shoulder higher than the other.
Do not merely brush your hair. Every time you brush it, massage your scalp vigorously with your finger tips.
Flabby muscles are old muscles. Keep your muscles firm and youthful by sufficient exercise. Then you will look youthful.
Do not allow your skin to become too dry. Dryness makes wrinkles.
The best way to avoid most pimples and skin blemishes is to avoid constipation. And the best way to avoid the common constipation due to lack of “bulk,” is to eat two tablespoonfuls of Kellogg’s All-Bran daily. This delicious, ready-to-eat cereal supplies generous “bulk,” which absorbs moisture, forms a soft mass, and gently sponges out the intestinal tract.
These rules may not be as exciting or intriguing as some beauty hints you have read. You will find, however, that they are more effective, particularly if you obey this last rule.
Keep it up. It is much harder to regain beauty than it is to keep it.