Simple Tips To Avoid Breakouts

We aren’t 15 anymore, so why are we still breaking out? In the quest for clear skin, there always seems to be some roadblock, and possibly the most persistent and unpleasant ones are breakouts and blemishes. While there are plenty of factors that are out of your control (raging hormones), there are a few things that you may be doing to cause these breakouts without your knowledge.

One of the most important tips for those ladies who use makeup daily is to remember to wash your makeup applicators and brushes. These tools touch your face everyday, and if they aren’t kept clean, they just work to brush on bacteria and dead skin cells. It is best to wash your brushes once a week at least with shampoo, face wash, or store-bought brush cleaner. Cleaning your brushes properly is an important step for clear skin, and it also prolongs the use of the tools.

Along with makeup brushes, you have to consider all the other things that touch your face during the day that could be causing breakouts. Items like towels, and especially pillowcases, are teeming with bacteria and dead skin cells that work to clog your pores and cause breakouts. The tip to avoid breakouts caused by these things is simply doing laundry more frequently or changing pillowcases more frequently. Then, there are those items that touch your face that you don’t even consider (or want to consider) the amount of bacteria that lives on their surfaces. I am referring to your hands and your cellphone, both of which are breeding grounds for acne-causing bacteria. Avoid resting your head on your hands to prevent breakouts. Cleaning your phone, switching sides frequently, and using a bluetooth are ways to avoid the cellphone-caused acne.

My next tip seems obvious; it’s washing your face. This is the most obvious thing you should be doing to prevent breakouts, yet it’s almost rendered useless if you don’t do it well. We’ve all had those nights that end late, and once you actually manage to get home, the only thing you want to do is crawl into bed and not wake up for three days. Even on those nights, you have to make sure to wash your face, and wash it well. You want to make sure you are removing all your makeup as well as the oils and dirt that accumulate throughout the day.

The last tip is a healthy diet. There are tons of arguments out there about what foods cause acne and which ones help it. While it seems that no one can pinpoint the specific food culprits, there is an overall agreement that a healthy diet means healthy skin. So ditch those Doritos and fried foods, and pick up some celery.