.:: Ishihara Color Test ::


.:: Ishihara Color Test ::.

This test was used in Russia to test prospectus soldier's calibre.

Now you guys take this test and see the results yourself.

“Six questions that help to identify any hidden psychological diseases young soldier might have.
If the soldier can’t see the number in one of the 6 circles on the test picture, he likely might having:

Can’t see circle 1: High aggression, proneness to conflict, the recommendation is to add more physical exercise and cold showers.

Can’t see circle 2: Possible low than average intellectual abilities, can’t serve with sophisticated equipment.

Can’t see circle 3: Possible debauchery, soldier should get increased daily ration, should get more physical activity tasks, should not be connected to food supplies, etc.

Can’t see circle 4: Possible inclination to violence, can be assigend as a leader to his unit, as he can preserve discipline.

Can’t see circle 5: Possible latent homosexuality. Can be light uncontrolled accesses of attraction to the same sex.

Can’t see circle 6: Possible schizophrenic tendency. Required additional inspection".


So, what type you are?