How To Treat Bruises


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Bruise, the term itself is filled with pain and unpleasantness. Actually, it is almost impossible to keep away from bruises, especially for children. Anything from accidents, scratching, or sometimes even intense pressure on the body can result into bruising and fill out life with blue-black nasty-looking bruises. Although it is almost impossible to treat bruises in one day, you can apply some tips to help you trigger the bruise treatment. There are some things, which you do to treat the bruises and check them from spreading. Explore the following pointers to know the ways for treating bruises. However, before you apply any of these applications, consult your doctor to know whether you are allergic to any of the given substances.

Ways For Treating Bruises

  • Rest is best for the bruised area. When you give the bruised area rest, the worn tissues get time to heal and that prevents further injury and promotes faster healing.

  • Applying ice packs to the bruised area also helps in healing it. It will also keep the bruise from spreading. Wrap the ice pack with a towel so it won’t be too cold on the bruised area. However, make sure that you don’t go over the top in ice application as otherwise the bruised area will become numb. Remember to treat the bruise with ice in the first 24 hours only for best results.

  • Cover the bruised area with an elastic wrap and apply a little pressure with that. It will help to limit the blood flow to the bruised area and thus will encourage the healing and keep the bruise from spreading.

  • If your hands are bruised, lift them up above the heart level. This decreases the blood flow and help in stopping the blood from congregating in the nearby tissue. Try to keep the bruised area above the heart level as much as possible at least for the first 24 hours. It will make the healing process easier.

  • You can also apply ointments with vitamin K supplements. Vitamin K is supposed to assist blood absorption of body and thus the lesser the blood in the area the lesser the size of the bruise would be.

  • Rub ointments containing Vitamin K on the bruised area. Vitamin K aides the body's blood absorption. Less blood in the area will reduce the size of the bruise.

  • You can also take an acetaminophen for pain relief. This medicine doesn’t affect clotting.

  • You can also use Epsom salt to treat the bruises. Add two cups of Epsom salt in a tub with warm water and dip the bruised area in that solution. If dipping is not possible, then add 5 tablespoon of Epsom salt to one-liter warm water. Now dip a clean washcloth or towel in the solution and apply it to the bruised area.

  • Applying arnica cream also works wonders for treating bruises. These creams are readily available in medical shops. Apply it on the bruise as instructed on the packet or three times a day.

  • Have a healthy diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. It helps in providing the body nutrients needed for normal clotting.

  • Some people bruise easier than others do. People with type-O blood, tend to bruise most easily because of the makeup of the blood cells. Bruises can also occur because of high blood pressure.

  • You can apply a bandage soaked in comfrey tea. Boil half liter of water and add two spoons of comfrey to it. After it has cooled down a bit, soak a washcloth in the solution and then apply it on the area for 15 minutes. It helps in getting rid of bruises.

  • You can also make a natural bandage with cabbage leaves to treat bruises. Wash the cabbage and then crush it. Now put it on the bruises over a thin cotton washcloth. It is very helpful in getting rid of bruises.

  • Apple cider vinegar mixed with water is also a great solution for bruises. Apply it with a towel on the bruise many times a day to get rid of bruises.

  • Apply a heating pad on the bruised area for fifteen minutes but only after 48 hours.