How To Get Rid Of A Fungal Infection


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Fungal Infections…uugghhh! You probably feel sick in the stomach at the very mention of the term ‘fungal infections’, but did you know that a variety of fungi at this very moment are all over your body? We’re just lucky that all the fungi on our skin do not cause infections, but sometimes fungi can turn hostile and cause infections. Fungi are organisms that include yeast, mushrooms, and molds, they multiply by spreading microscopic spores, and these spores are often present in the air we breathe, or come in contact with our skin. The spores that arise from harmful fungi can cause infections that affect exposed areas such as the skin, nails, and mouth. The infection can also occur when an individual comes in contact with an infected individual. However, not all fungi are harmful and some fungi even provide resistance to the occurrence of fungal infections. Fungal infections or mycoses are caused when fungi break through the body’s resistance efforts and cause infections. Tinea (ringworm), the jock’s itch, and athlete’s foot are examples of fungal infections. Read on to know how to get rid of a fungal infections.

How To Treat Fungal Infection

Antifungal Creams
Antifungal cream is the best way to deal with a fungal infection that has affected the skin. You’ve got to apply the antifungal cream on the affected area and also make it a point to keep the area clean and dry. Also, try not to scratch the infected area as this can only create more complications. A mild hydrocortisone cream can help battle the infection too.

Oral Medications
Oral medications are a popular way to deal with fungal infections, especially if the infection has affected the nails. Medications such as itraconazole, fluconazole and terbinafine are prescribed by doctors to help people get rid of the infection. If the fungal infection has occurred around the nail, these medicines assist in the growth of new nails. The new nails grow free of infection and slowly but steadily eliminate the infected portions of the nail.

Tea-tree Oil
Tea-tree oil is an antiseptic that can be used to your advantage. If the infection is on your feet or hands, the first thing to do is to clean and dry the infected area. Then proceed to apply tea-tree oil on the infected area and cover the same with a bandage. The oil is antifungal and can be used topically to treat the infection. There are no side-effects, so you don’t need to worry when you use tea tree oil to deal with a fungal infection.

Eat Right
Eat foods that fight against fungal infections. Walnuts, garlic, citrus seed extract, and the oil derived from castor beans apart from helping the body develop immunity against fungal infections can also help the body to fight against them.

Being hygienic is the safest bet against fungal infections. Environments that are hot, damp, and dark are breeding grounds for fungi. So, if you’re not the kind who love to be around clean and fresh environments, the chances of getting a fungal infection are high. Wash your hands after every ‘visit’ to the bathroom, and try taking a shower after an outdoor activity. If you frequent places like locker rooms, public showers and swimming pools, protect your feet by wearing flip-flops. Maintaining overall cleanliness is a must, as it goes a long way in protection against fungal infections