How To Get Rid of A Cold Sore


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What happens when your flawless and smooth skin gets distorted by a cold sore? Obviously, you feel like sitting indoors and not meeting anyone. The problem with cold sores is that, not only are they painful, but also cause embarrassment, especially amongst those who are very conscious of their looks. A cold sore is basically the condition caused by the herpes virus flaring up in your body. It appears in the form of a white blister on or around your lips. Usually, they last from 10-15 days. However, by following certain home remedies you can make sure that your ugly friend does not last more than 3-4 days.

How to Get Rid of a Cold Sore
In the following lines, we have listed a number of home remedies that will help you in getting rid of cold sores.

  • Ice is the most common remedy to be used against cold sores. The moment you start feeling the onset of a cold sore, take some ice cubes & wrap them with a thin towel. Now, place the wrapped ice over the tender spot, holding it there for as long as possible. Repeat 5-6 times in a day.
  • Aloe Vera has been found to be very effective for treating cold sores. Break off the leaf of an Aloe Vera plant and apply the liquid, coming out of it, to the affected area. Repeat 3-4 times in a day. The cold sore will get healed in 3-4 days.
  • Applya protective petroleum-based product on the cold sore 2-3 times in a day. It will not only help speed up the healing process, but also help in protecting it from secondary infection with bacteria.
  • If you do not want to apply anything on the cold sores, it is better to take vitamin tablets, especially the ones with vitamin B12.
  • Another cold sore cure is drinking a concoction of herbs. Add tea tree oil, violet, herbal sage, ginger powder and two sage leaves in a cup of hot boiling water. Stir it for a few minutes, strain and drink atleast 2-3 times in a day.
  • Do not take salty or acidic foods like potato chips or citrus fruits. They will not only irritate the cold sore, but also enhance the pain.
  • Do not go out in the sun without any protection, especially to the affected area. Either apply a sunscreen, with atleast SPF 15, over the lips or use a lipstick that contains sunscreen, before going out in the sun.
