Hasta Pada Swetasana: Strong as a plank


Staff member

The Hasta Pada Swetasana, or plank pose, is a simple yet effective pose to improve strength of major muscle groups (arms, shoulders, back and legs) and to tone and stabilise the core. It presents a good challenge for both a beginner and an advanced practitioner and prepares the body for advanced arm-balancing postures.

Hasta Pada Swetasana

  • Get into the start position of Marjariasana (cat pose).
  • Place forearm on the floor about two feet in front of the knees. The forearms should be parallel to each other and shoulder width apart. Keep palms flat on the floor.
  • Curl toes in. While exhaling, lift the knees so that legs are stretched straight. Then walk feet back until shoulders are directly over the elbows and back is parallel to the floor.
  • Keep the neck in line with spine and broaden the shoulder blades. Focus the gaze on a fixed point on the floor between palms.
  • Hold the final position with normal breathing for as long as comfortable.
  • Lower knees while exhaling.


  • This asana helps in the development of stronger arms, and strengthens the spine, quads and abdominals.
  • It revitalises the body and relieves stress.
  • It is effective against osteoporosis and helps prevent it.

Note: People with shoulder and neck injuries should practise under guidance.

Bharat Thakur guides you through practices that will connect you to the wisdom of the ancient Indian science of exercising.
