Getting Rid Of Intestinal Gas


Staff member
Gas is a by-product of the human digestion and is produced in everybody. Though normal passage of gas may not be a problem, excessive intestinal gas can prove to be quite a nuisance. It can not only be painful, but can also be a cause of embarrassment. For getting rid of intestinal gas, one should primarily be careful about his/her diet and food habits. An improper diet is one of the major reasons behind increased intestinal gas production. Along with diet, one should also pay attention towards his/her lifestyle and daily routine, which might be contributing towards making the problem worse. In the following lines, we have provided the remedy and treatment for getting rid of intestinal gas.

How to Get Rid Of Intestinal Gas

  • One of the primary things to do is to change your dining habits. This includes eating and drinking slowly and avoiding any talk in between. This helps in reducing the amount of air you take in.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks, gum and hard candy. Soft drinks contain bubbles that add air to your stomach, while, candy and gum cause more air intake than usual. This will reduce the amount of belching.
  • Find out which foods cause flatulence. Some of the common ones are beans, cabbage, broccoli, bananas and dairy products. Try to avoid these products, especially fatty foods and those high in fiber.
  • Do not just sit after having your meal, instead move around. This assists the digestion process and works food through the intestinal system.
  • You can try certain exercises, involving crouching, bending at the waist and stretching the spine forward and backward to relieve the pain of gas.
  • Try to reduce stress levels in your life, to get rid of intestinal gas. For instance, emotional stress causes an excess of stomach acid, which is also responsible for building intestinal gas.
  • In case things do not improve with these efforts, it is advisable to visit the doctor.