Face Packs For Men

OT Poster

Many men make the mistake regarding their appearance. They maintain a healthy diet, workout, read up on the latest fitness routines, purchase nice clothing, and spend huge bucks on a haircut and hair gel. But when it comes to learning about how to take care of their skin, they would rather take an elbow to the ribs in a pickup game of basketball.

Men's skin is 20 percent oilier than women's and has significantly larger pores. This means men need to take more care of their skin, especially during those hot and hazy months.

With the regular use of below given face packs/masks, you will feel magical difference in your skin.

Oily Skin

What you need:

· ½ cup cooked oatmeal

· Egg white

· ½ cup mashed apple

· 1 tbsp. lemon juice

Mix a half cup cooked oatmeal with an egg white, a half cup of mashed apple and one tablespoon fresh lemon juice into a paste. Allow oatmeal to cool. Apply to face and let set for 10 minutes. Wipe off with coarse cloth and rinse with lukewarm water.

Dry Skin

What you need:

· Egg yolk

· ½ cup cooked oatmeal

· ½ mashed banana

· 1 tbsp. honey

Combine one egg yolk with a half cup cooked oatmeal, half a mashed banana and a tbsp. honey. Allow to cool to the touch. Apply, let set for fifteen minutes and then rinse off with cool water.

Sensitive skin

What you need:

· 1 whole egg

· ½ cup cooked oatmeal

· 1 tbsp. almond oil

Mix one whole egg, one half cup cooked oatmeal and 1 tbsp. almond oil. Allow oatmeal to cool to lukewarm. Apply to face and wait 10 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Gelatin mask

What you need:

· 1 packet unflavoured gelatin

· 2 tbsp. fruit juice

Mix one packet of unflavoured gelatin with 1 tbsp. fruit juice like grapefruit, orange or lemon and heat in a microwave until warm. Apply to face in thin layer and let it dry to the touch. Then peel the mask off and rinse with cool water. Instant peel mask!