Dry Mouth Symptoms


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Dry mouth is not something that you get when your worst nightmare comes true. Dry mouth, though it may sound very tame, can in fact be a sign of serious underlying health problems. The main cause of this complaint is the inability of the salivary glands to produce saliva, which makes the mouth feel dry. The saliva in the mouth has various functions. As such, in case its production is stopped, the entire body feels the effect. Needless to say, dry mouth results in various types of problems and when it is present for an extended period of time, it is safe to assume that the dry mouth is signaling towards some deeper illness. As with other disorders and diseases, dry mouth also gives rise to various symptoms. Knowing these symptoms is necessary as they can help in determining the severity of the condition. One thing that you should never forget is that you should never take dry mouth lightly. If the condition has been prevailing for a few days now, you should not lose any time and immediately seek medical help. To know what all symptoms can result from dry mouth, read the article further.

Signs & Symptoms Of Dry Mouth

  • The main symptom is the constant feeling of dryness in the throat.
  • Dry mouth results in a sticky and dry feeling in the mouth. There is also a burning and tingling sensation in the mouth.
  • The tongue also experiences a burning and tingling sensation. As a result, the tongue appears raw, red and the person feels that the tongue is dry.
  • The person also suffers from frequent thirst.
  • Sores break out in the mouth. Sores also develop at the corners of the mouth. The mouth corners can also break out in split skin.
  • Due to dryness of the mouth, the lips become dry, cracked and fissured.
  • Dryness of the mouth can lead to problems during speaking. The person also finds it difficult to taste the food, as the dryness affects the taste buds of the tongue. This is also accompanied by an increasing difficulty in chewing and tasting foods.
  • The throat experiences soreness and the nasal passages become dry. The throat also becomes hoarse. There is frequent crust formation in the nasal passages and the olfactory acuity is also decreased.
  • Dry mouth often leads to bad breath.
  • Because of the lack of saliva and development of sores, the person suffering from dry mouth is unable to eat certain foods. As such, he/she is likely to suffer from nutrient deficiency.
  • Since dry mouth leads to poor ability of tasting foods, people generally develop a reluctance to eat food. This curbs their appetite, making them lose interest in eating.
  • If the dry mouth is chronic, then there is a huge risk of developing various infections in the mouth. The person also develops dental decay like cavities.
  • There is persistent dry cough. There is also pain and swelling in the salivary glands.
  • The eyes become dry with frequent itching and burning. The eyes also become more sensitive to light and the vision becomes blurred.
  • Rashes and vasculitis develop on the skin. The chin also becomes dry.
  • The person may also suffer from depression, weight loss, fatigue, aching in the joints and weakness.