DIY detox face mask

Blueberry & Cucumber Detox Mask

• 1 Tbsp crushed ripe blueberries (lots of antioxidants mean free radical protection)

• 1 Tbsp lemon juice (Citrus + Vitamin C mean brighter skin)

• 1 Tbsp cucumber juice (hooray for cooling, soothing, de-puffing and refreshing)

• 2 Tbsp baking soda + water (helps dislodge blackheads and control oiliness)

Directions: Combine all ingredients together in a bowl. Using your fingers, apply mask onto your face. You will feel a tingling feeling that comes from the baking soda. Let it sit on the face for 15-20 minutes. To remove, wet fingers with warm water and gently swipe over your face: The baking soda granules will give you extra exfoliation, while the citrus enzymes brighten the skin. Gently wash off and pat your face dry. Voila, a renewed bright and fresh complexion!