Calories In Liquor


Staff member
See that mass of fat around your once-sculpted waist that makes love-handles look small? That, is a result of the alcohol you keep having at parties and social gatherings, just to give company first to your friends, then colleagues and then the boss, the boss’s wife, etc. Your social image definitely gets a boost, but so does your waistline. The sedentary lifestyle does not help at all in reducing weight. I mean, how you can even expect just by stretching your back occasionally, you would be able to get rid of all those extra inches and kilos! You need to take out time to go to a gym and indulge in some exercise.

One of the main problems with people is that they are unaware of the amount of calories in a single glass of their favorite liquor. So, when they down one glass after the other, they do not know how much they will be adding to their weight as well waistline. After one look at it and we assure you that you would think twice before picking up that second glass of liquor. In fact, the next time you pick up that glass of wine, you will keep in mind the amount of calories you will consume with every glass and be able to decide for yourself when to stop!

Negative Effects Of Alcohol
In the following lines, we give you some more reasons, apart from excess calories, why you should limit alcohol intake:

  • Excess alcohol consumption can result in loss of judgment, loss of coordination, blurred vision, slurring of speech, and loss of balance, in the short term.
  • Alcohol is addictive in nature and once you get into the habit of getting drunk on a regular basis, it become very difficult to get rid of it.
  • Excessive alcohol use can lead to many liver problems, like fatty degeneration of the liver, infection of the liver and liver cirrhosis.
  • Consuming too much alcohol can result in various types of infections, like infection of the esophagus, infection of the stomach and infection of the pancreas.
  • Excess alcohol consumption can also lead to sleeping disorders and sexual problems in people.
  • Premature dementia, varying from a reduction of memory to the serious syndrome of Korsakoff, is yet another negative effect of alcohol consumption.
  • Consuming too much alcohol can result in cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, intestines and breasts, apart from hypertension and heart problems.
