Benefits Of Tuna


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The highly nutritious tuna fish, found mostly in warm water areas, is considered a delicacy in almost all parts of the world, mainly because of its intense flavor and meaty texture. Canned or fresh (as steaks, pieces or fillets), the species is regarded as a culinary treat and is particularly popular in the coastal areas of the world. However, the fresh varieties have higher content of the beneficial Omega-3-fatty acids, as compared to the canned ones and hence are preferred. Tuna belongs to the order Perciformes and the family Scombridae. There are over 48 different species of the fish found worldwide, which includes the popular blue-fin, Albacore, Slender tuna and the Frigate tuna. The fish is available commercially all around the year. However, the best season for the purchase and consumption of the fresh Hawaiian variety is the month of December. Explore all about the diverse health benefits of tuna fish, by going through the pointers given below.

Health Benefits Of Eating Tuna:

  • The beneficial effects of Omega-3-fatty acids, present in tuna, on human health have been known for a long time. They are especially beneficial for the maintenance of a healthy cardio-vascular system. They also prevent erratic heart rhythms, leading to less possibilities of blood clotting inside arteries and maintain a higher level of HDL as compared to the LDL levels (harmful cholesterol).

  • The vitamin B6 present in the fish is essential for the process of methylation. The vitamin, along with folic acid, lowers the levels of homocysteine in the body. This compound is produced during the methylation cycle and is considered as a major risk factor for atherosclerosis, as it damages the artery walls.

  • Recent studies have indicated that consumption of tuna can help in lowering the rate of stroke in humans, particularly the ischemic form of stroke.

  • Tunas are very effective against the occurrence of Deep Vein Thrombosis in human body. DVT is considered a very serious medical condition, which involves formation of blood clots in the deep veins of the legs, thigh or pelvis. This leads to extreme pain and swelling.

  • Embolism is yet another serious condition that can be kept at bay by eating tuna. It is, in fact, an extension of the deep vein thrombosis. Emboli are formed when a part or all of the blood clots in the deep veins dislodge from the site, where it is formed and moves through the venous system to different parts of the body.

  • The Omega-3-fatty acids present in the fish are helpful for people suffering from Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Also, the acids regulate the amount of food intake, body weight and metabolism, by stimulating the secretion of the hormone leptin.

  • The fish has high amounts of the mineral selenium. This mineral plays a key role in maintaining a healthy liver, as it is a necessary component of one of the most important antioxidants in the body, glutathione peroxidase. Selenium also plays a major role in preventing the occurrence of cancer and heart disease.

  • An important positive effect of consuming tuna fish is that it helps lessen the cognitive decline that is associated with advancing age and is also beneficial against Alzheimer’s disease.

  • According to a recent study, it was estimated that almost 10 million Americans are affected every year by the Dry Eye Syndrome (DES). Regular consumption of tuna fish has been shown to reduce the incidence of this syndrome.

  • Consumption of tuna fish is also highly protective against the occurrence of childhood asthma.

  • Tuna fish contain measurable quantities of the naturally occurring substance purines. Excess accumulation of this in the body can lead to a health condition called gout and also result in the formation of kidney stones.

  • Certain people can develop allergic reactions to tuna fish. These reactions may either be immediate and specific (nasal congestion, wheezing, dizziness, etc) or general and delayed (diarrhea, fatigue, depression, etc)
Cooking Tips:

  • The first and foremost step prior to preparing tuna fish is its thorough cleaning, by rinsing them under cool running water. After this, pat it dry, before cooking.

  • The fish can be prepared in a variety of ways, like as a salad, in a sandwich and as a main dish.