Anise Seed Benefits


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Pimpinella Anisum, the scientific name for the famous herb ‘Anise’, is a member of the carrot family. It is an herbaceous or a non-woody annual plant, which grows to a height of about 3 ft. The anise seeds have been in use since ages for their medicinal properties. Evidence suggests that anise was used in Egypt as early as 1500 B.C. and by the Romans in the form of anise-spiced cakes, to aid their digestion process after heavy meals. A native of Egypt and Western Asia, anise herb is known for its flavor, which resembles liquorices, fennel and tarragon. It is called as ‘Tut-te-See-Hau’ by American Indians, meaning ‘it expels the wind’, due to its carminative properties. The seed of the plant, which is also the fruit, contains both medical and culinary benefits. The anise seeds are brownish yellow in color and are about half the size of caraway seeds. This article will provide you with different health benefits of anise seeds for you to learn and use them abruptly to gain all the benefits.

Health Benefits Of Anise Seeds

  • Anise seeds are considered to be very useful in treating digestion related problems. It cures all kinds of digestive disorders and ensures proper and healthy functioning of the digestive system. Regular consumption of these seeds helps to improve and increase your appetite and also supplement digestion.

  • Anise seeds help in the proper functioning of the bowel movements. Problems like nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, gastritis and spasmodic flatulence can be treated just by consuming anise seeds.

  • Anise seeds prove out to be helpful in treating spasmodic coughs and whooping cough, as these seeds acts as an expectorant. Many cough medicines contain anise seeds as one of the main ingredients. Anise seeds loosen phlegm, thereby providing a relief from congestion due to cold and other allergies. Asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and sinusitis are few other respiratory problems that can be treated with the help of anise seeds.

  • People suffering from different oral problems can also resort to anise seeds for treatment. The seed belongs to the parsley family and like parsley; it has been used since thousands of years as an effective breath freshener. Anise seeds can be steeped in boiling water to produce a natural mouthwash at home. Antimicrobial and antibacterial properties present in anise seeds make it a perfect ingredient for an effective mouthwash. Several over-the-counter mouthwashes and toothpastes contain anise seeds as their ingredients.

  • Anise is also considered to be helpful in nursing mother’s milk supply. The seeds are believed to contain anethole, which helps in increasing the prolactin levels in the body, stimulating the milk production. Women seeking to improve their milk supply are advised to drink a cup of anise tea every day. For this, all you need to do is steep 2 tsp of crushed seeds in a cup of water for 10 minutes and drink it.

  • Dianethole and photoanethole, the two ingredients present in anise, are chemically similar to the female hormone, estrogen. The mild estrogenic activity of the herb has been proved to relieve menopausal symptoms. Anise is used to promote the onset of menstruation. It also eases cramps and facilitates child birth.

  • Anise is one of the best antiseptic that one can find. Anise can be used externally to cure various skin disorders. It is also very effective in treating problems like scabies and lice. Anise is also used for poorly healing wounds, in order to destroy insects and germs.

  • Anise seeds are quite beneficial for baby health. They are popular in curing different problems in babies, such as acute abdominal pain and hiccups.