Aneurysm Symptoms


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If at all you experience a weak bulge in the blood vessels located inside your brain, you’re probably having an aneurysm. Feel it. If it’s anything like an inner tube or thin balloon, then you ought to get it checked. Under these circumstances, the size of a blood vessel or the heart is greatly increased and the wall of the vessel or heart is significantly stretched. Aneurysms mostly target the brain but also tend to form where the artery divides or branches off. Aneurysms frequent the peripheral vessels and among older people, they are prominent in their lower extremities, especially in the popliteal arteries. A stethoscope will help identify the blowing murmurs produced by the pulsating swelling which is symptomatic of arterial aneurysm. Angiograms, ‘magnetic resonance imaging’ (MRI) or ‘spinal taps’ are some of the methods employed to detect the presence of a cerebral or any other aneurysm. Aneurysms pose threats such as atherosclerosis, strokes and haemorrhages prompted by trauma, congenital weaknesses or infections in the muscular layer of the blood vessels. Hence, it is essential to pay heed to all the symptoms that hint the possibility of an aneurysm. Scroll down to view some of the common aneurysm symptoms.

Signs & Symptoms Of Aneurysms

  • The world’s worst headaches are frequently indicative of ‘ruptured cerebral aneurysms’. Symptoms that accompany this condition are excessive nausea and vomiting, acute stiffness and pain in the neck, blurry or double vision and dilated pupils. If you are burdened with the combination of these symptoms, it’s time you visit the doctor as statistics disclose that about sixty percent of people with ruptures will die within a year.
  • Pain above and behind the eye, sensitivity to light and loss of sensation all indicate ruptured cerebral aneurysms. Some people will have seizures, and others lose consciousness and alter dwell in confusion.
  • Depending upon the location of the aneurysm, pulsating sensations and immense pain will be experienced. Cerebral aneurysms are often indicated by throbbing persistent headaches. This could be experienced in body parts like the abdominal aortic artery, the intracranial muscles (supplying blood to the brain), and the aorta (supplying blood to the chest area).
  • When aneurysm target the chest areas, pain may shoot all the way up to the upper back, thus inducing difficulty in swallowing, recurrent coughing and voice hoarseness.
  • Many a times, in serious cases of aneurysm, huge quantities of blood may start to leak. This might trigger intense pain without the rapid deterioration characteristic of a rupture. Clots may or may not form in the aneurysm. If clots do occur, dangers of embolisms in distant organs will soon manifest.
  • Symptoms of un-ruptured cerebral aneurysm occur before an aneurysm ruptures. Some of the patients experience no notable symptoms at all, while around 40 percent of these patients tend to suffer from peripheral vision deficits, thinking or processing problems and speech complications.
  • Perceptual problems, erratic changes in moods and behaviour, loss of balance and coordination, plummeting concentration, short-term memory loss and extreme fatigue are also recurrent symptoms of un-ruptured cerebral aneurysm.
  • As far as abdominal aortic type of aneurysm is concerned, feeling an odd pulsation in the stomach at the belly button, having back pain, and feeling chest or stomach pain is expected. Aneurysm symptoms intensify exponentially if aortic aneurysm bursts and pain in the back, stomach or chest increases. This may be accompanied by dizziness, confusion, cold and clammy skin, and leg pain. Certain people lose consciousness over this.
  • Ventricular aneurysm symptoms can vary but may include pain in the jaw or neck and pain in the chest. Some people also have difficulty catching their breath or they may faint. Should these symptoms arise, they are a medical emergency.